Author: adventurers

Award Class Registration

Parents are urged to register their Adventurer child(ren) for the upcoming Adventurer “I AM” Virtual Family Camporee on July 27-31, 2022. This includes registration for the various Awards to be offered at camporee.

World Adventurer Day 2022

Watch or re-watch on YouTube our WAD 2022 program held on May 21, 2022.

Resumption of in-person AMP events

Read letter from the Ontario Conference regarding the resumption of in-person club meetings and activities by clicking HERE.

Virtual Adventurer Camporee 2022

Plans are underway for the Adventurer Virtual “I AM Camporee” to be held on July 27-31, 2022. Admission is free but registration is required. There’s an option also to purchase a souvenir camporee t-shirt (sublimated with good quality material) at a cost of $15.00 with deadline for ordering on March 7, 2022. MORE INFO

Adventurer Basic Staff Training

Orientation for this self-paced online ABST course will be held on Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022 at 10:00 via Zoom. Click HERE to register and for more details.

Adventurer Bible Experience Registration

The Adventurer Bible Experience will be held on Sabbath, Nov. 13. Team registration is now open. Click HERE for more details

WWWJ Training

Be a part of this virtual training to equip Adventurers to become digital evangelists, digital disciplemakers, and digital missionaries for Christ. Visit for details.

AMP Leadership Summit 2021

The triennial AMP Leadership Summit will be held virtually on Sept. 24-26, 2021. All Adventurer leaders, parents, Adventurer Master Guide Trainees, pastors, and other church leaders passionate about club ministries are encouraged to register to receive your unique Zoom link. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

Adventurer Family Fair 2021

To register and to learn more about the upcoming Adventurer Family Virtual Fair, click HERE.

Adventurer Fun Day 2021

To register and to receive your personal Zoom link, please click link below. You are invited to a Zoom meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Adventurer Fun Day via Zoom.. Click Here to Register