
This Adventurer Basic Staff Training (ABST) is intended for newly elected Adventurer club leaders and staff members, prospective Adventurer Master Guide Trainees (MGTs), Master Guides from other conferences or countries, who are newcomers to Ontario, and other interested individuals.

ABST – February 18, 2024 at 10:00 am.

This ABST course is FREE but registration is required. This scheduled Zoom meeting is for devotion and orientation. The code to the online self-paced ABST will be provided at the orientation meeting to be held on Feb.18.


This online ABST is self-paced and can be done at your own convenient time. As you watch each training video, be ready to answer the questions that will appear on your screen. Using the Q&A Online form, submitted your answer(s) to show that you have gone through the whole video presentation. After watching each video, you will be asked also to take a graded online quiz with a passing mark of 70%.

As soon as you receive your access code, you may start your ABST course:


This seminar presents an introduction to club ministry from the Adventurer Club perspective. It compares and contrasts the program and purpose of the Adventurer Club and its role in faith development. This ministry involves the family ministry, children’s ministry, and Pathfinder Club ministry.

This seminar highlights the Adventurer Club program. It outlines job descriptions and expectations for each club leader and reviews the qualities of a Christian leader, and club structure. It also covers club regulations on membership, attendance, forms, etc., and Conference policies including reporting, finances, uniforms, and insurance.

The seminar outlines the planning process. It reviews the elements of the typical Adventurer year including regular meetings, stars, chips and awards, curriculum, Induction, Adventurer Sabbath, campouts, Investiture, and Conference events.

This seminar presents the general outline of the Adventurer Club’s special programs such as Open House, Induction, Investiture, Family Blessing, Adventurer Sabbath, and Family Network.

This seminar presents the general outline and structure of the
Adventurer Curriculum. It outlines the four components of the
curriculum: Basic, My God, Myself, My Family, My World. It shows how each level builds on the next and how each have the same basic components so they work together. It outlines minimum requirements for a child to qualify for Investiture.

This seminar gives a taste of the Adventurer stars, chips, and awards to get the child excited to learn more. Special emphasis is given to creating experiential learning activities to complete the stars, chips, and awards ‐ spiritually, mentally, socially, and

This seminar describes the mental, spiritual, physical, and social growth and needs of the typical adventurer. It includes practical pointers on leading, nurturing, and disciplining them. It also provides an introduction of learning styles, teaching techniques, and teachable moments.

This seminar covers introductory information on Vulnerable Sector Screening (Canada) and Verified Volunteers requirements (USA), NAD Camping Guidelines, medical history forms, release forms, abuse prevention, staffing levels, transportation guidelines, emergency plans, and supervision. It also covers medical conditions of children as presented by Adventist Risk Management.